Meta has been working hard to improve the experience on WhatsApp in the past few months. The green messenger saw its bigger competitors such as Telegram getting many features over the years, but stayed offering the simple to its loyal users. Now, however, WhatsApp has been raising efforts to offer some features that are already popular in the competition. 

Recently, the company added a proper multi-device mode that does not require you to stay connected to your smartphone. The company also announced massive updates for the next few months that will bring a lot of new features including the Communities. Now, the company is expanding the group calls to up to 32 people

WhatsApp now allows group calls with 32 participants

Today, WhatsApp began rolling out a new stable version update for the iOS devices with support for 32-person calls. It also includes a newly overhauled user interface, waveforms, and other improvements. Unfortunately, the feature is still absent on Android smartphones. Anyway, it’s natural for these companies to bring the good to iOS first.

Currently, WhatsApp allows users to make phone calls with multiple persons at the same time. During the pandemic, the company had its feature working with 4 persons. However, in light of the demand for larger groups, the company expanded this amount to eight people. Now, WhatsApp wants to make its messenger a proper tool for larger meetings. You won’t need to rely on Google Meet if you want to make quick calls with up to 32 participants.

Voice Calls with up to 32 people will be possible in WhatsApp Groups. The company changed the way a call shows the participants on the screen. After all, the previous UI wouldn’t accommodate 32 participants too easily. The app uses Waveform images to label different WhatsApp users. Worth noting that the update is currently available in the app with version number 22.8.80. It currently weighs in at 109.70MB on iPhones and brings a big novelty.

Curiously, this feature is still not available on the Desktop client. We’re to see if WhatsApp will bring the feature to PCs through its Desktop or Web client. Unfortunately, the company may still take a few months to deploy this feature on all platforms. The multi-device mode took several months to reach a stable status. And according to recent reports, it is still slow.

WhatsApp is trying to enhance the Groups on its platform. Besides the new 32-person calls and the Communities, WhatsApp has also been working on the Polls feature. 

Polls are very popular on social media apps such as Twitter, and we’re sure there is a demand for them on WhatsApp. The company is also gearing up to introduce a new paid subscription that will extend the multi-device support.

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